Does Anyone Have My Back?

When I was 22, my husband and I had an idea for a small business. We wanted to build an indoor mini-golf course so families could have some fun on cold winter days. We had gallons of enthusiasm and excitement, but only a teaspoonful of experience, know-how, and money to invest.

Excitement carried the day as we shared the idea with family and friends who believed in us and our idea. Bless their hearts, they pitched in with start-up money, building skills, and encouragement. With my father-in-law in charge of building, the course took shape. We leased office space and soon were open for business. Hope for a bright future ran high.

Sadly, just when customers were starting to find us, our dream collapsed. We were undercapitalized, our rent was too high, we were in the wrong location, and we had no marketing budget.

Turns out, I didn’t know what I didn’t know about running a business. In 1972, there was no internet so I could Google “How to Start a Small Business”. I’ve learned a lot since then.

In the intervening 50 years, there have been setbacks, failures, and a few successes. The one constant throughout has been the stream of people who have always had my back. No matter how wacky my scheme or how dire the scenario is, I’ve felt supported by those who know me and keep cheering me on.

Believe me, that made all the difference as I was going through cancer. There were times in the nightmare of that journey when the solidarity of my supporters stopped me from giving up.

Now I have new dreams – dreams of a community for cancer survivors to move beyond the terror of cancer to live their best lives. I have begun to share this idea with both long-term supporters and others whom I’ve just met. Their encouragement not only warms my heart but also fuels my courage to step up and step out. My question for you – “Who has your back to support your dreams?”

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